Projects focused on universities
The first pilot project at FTF VŠMU focused on the diversification of teaching forms, building an e-learning educational programme, special training for teachers and students on how to use e-learning in higher education, development of e-content for the programme with the possibility to create online textbooks for two pilot subjects: the Basic Concepts of Film Theory and the History of Slovak Film, and the preparation of the international project „EUROPEAN VIRTUAL ART CAMPUS“
Applicant: EKS (EIRIA)
Partners: VŠMU Bratislava (The Academy of Performing Arts, Film and Television faculty)
Supported by: The European Social Fund and Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic

Continuation of the project at the Academy of Performing Arts – Theatre Faculty in Bratislava; application of the new educational structure and tools within the educational programmes at the Department of Theatre Science, development of conditions for education in foreign language and standardization of conditions for participation of the Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in international projects and cooperation with foreign art schools, development of e-learning educational programme and specialized training „How to use e-learning in education at universities?“ for teachers and students, creation of educational e-learning programs, preparation of the international project „EUROPEAN VIRTUAL ART CAMPUS“
Applicant: EKS (EIRIA)
Partners: VŠMU Bratislava (The Academy of Performing Arts, Theatre faculty)
Supported by: The European Social Fund and Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
Final continuation of the project at the Academy of Performing Arts – Faculty of Music and Dance, application of new educational structure and tools within the educational programmes at the Department of Dance, creation of conditions for education in a foreign language and standardization of conditions for participation of the HTF VŠMU in international projects and cooperation with foreign art schools, creation of an e-learning educational programme and specialized training „How to use e-learning in education at universities?“ for teachers and students, creation of educational e-learning program „DANCE INTERPRETATIONS“, preparation of international project „EUROPEAN VIRTUAL ART CAMPUS“
Applicant: EKS (EIRIA)
Partners: VŠMU Bratislava (The Academy of Performing Arts, Music and Dance faculty)
Supported by: The European Social Fund and Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic